I’d love to know what you might think the percentage of investors who HAVE the 3 fold vision you speak of VS those who are either misinformed or only want the microwave outcome.

My husband does the investments and as we near retirement I’m getting more interested in what is actually happening in the world of the markets.


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Oh boy Michelle, you are going way back in my archives 😳. I like to think my writing has come a long way since then.

I think the percentage of investors who have the 3 fold vision is very low and those who are mis-informed or want to microwave returns (= excessive risk) is VERY high.

Thank you again for reading 🙏🙏

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Thank you, James! There is something so uplifting about sharing ownership of Human Ingenuity in the Market. Like riding together in a Big Boat on the ocean of Change, rhythmically sloshing one way and another. You can ride anywhere on that boat, risking the random gust of wind and spray in the bow, but getting the best view of the future. Or you can tuck in on the main deck close to the mast, out of the wind, and share a cup of tea without spilling. Right now, a year after you wrote this, some of us humans are testing out the idea of going to war as a means to an end. Yet again. Sure enough, violence is a failure of creativity, and those of us watching from the Big Boat can contribute our faith, patience, and courage while the experiments play out. Human Ingenuity will weather this storm, yet again. We'll be OK, slosh after slosh...

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Sounds rather like the Stoic virtues of Wisdom, Courage, Justice and Temperance. This is thoughtful and well put together and comes at just the right time. A variation on the theme that I am grappling with is whether the 60/40 portfolio still works. And I haven't come up with anything like a good answer. I am also rather concerned by the decrease in national work ethic implied by "The Great Resignation" and what that means for national competitiveness and US equity returns.

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So appreciate your perspective my friend! There is that word again "perspective." Can't think of a better way for you to share yours. You go man!

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Thank you for giving me the nudge to shift my perspective. Makes all the difference!

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Love this wisdom.

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